Suzuki GSX-R600 | Mail-in ECU Flash Tune | 06-07


Dynobike Pty Ltd is in no way responsible for any modifications to your ECU, electronics, or hardware as a result of a Custom Dyno/ECU Tune. These modifications in many cases do not comply with Australian standards, emission,s and noise regulations. They are not legal for road or highway use and if de-restricting a "LAMS" bike it is your responsibility to notify your State/Territory governing body. Dynobike Pty Ltd is not responsible for the fees associated with tampering with emissions and noise regulations whatsoever.
Once you have placed your order. You'll now need to remove your ECU, (check your manual for its location and instructions), pack it carefully and post it to this address Dynobike 1b Winston Court Moorabbin Vic 3189. We will track your order and when the ECU arrives, we'll flash it within 24-48 hours to suit your modification add any parts as per your order, and return it in an overnight bag. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to get in touch.


This tune is for GSXR600 06-07 with slip-on muffler, mid pipe and air filter.

  • Fuel and ignition optimisation to suit
  • Secondary throttle plate restrictions removed
  • Speed and gear base limits removed (TRE)
  • Reduces fan temp switch point 95 deg C

Tuners notes: This tune does not comply with Australian regulations and is not suitable for road use. It is not legal for restricted license holders to ride this bike on Australian roads or highways.

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Make Model Year
Suzuki GSX-R600 2006 - 2007

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